Episode 1

Episode 1
Knock, Knock "hey Ruik, open the door" a dominating voice shouted "wait a minute "  young ruik answered while opening the door .." I was preparing the game " said ruik "Ohh! That's great! " as both went inside.
 " let me bring some snacks, " said ruik.
 1 hour later..... "it's going too long let's finish it, see the time it's quite late, " said an exasperated Ace. they cleaned the place and went upstairs.
By this time aAce was totally worn out. His weariness made him fell on the bed as he entered the room. looking upward he murmured "I am totally exhausted" all of a sudden a voice came near the window.
Ace Cardwick stood up then suddenly light goes off "what's that" Ruik asked "hey, dumbass! you forgot this is a light week"
 "oh! yeah". 
As Ace start walking his toe hit something, he had no idea of what is going to be next he was blank until he flashed his light toward that. 
"Oh! It's just a toy " but when he closely observed he was petrified, his face was looking bloodless and the only thing that was in his mind was the toy wrapped in the blood which was beheaded.
He could not even come out from that headless toy stupor properly and he got surrounded by a dark aura and suddenly a voice came " you are alone".
He discerns that the window is moving away from him, Ace ran toward the window and as he opened it the same voice laughed and listening to this Ace jumped. 
Ace fell on somebody "is it you ruik" 
" yes! it's me, where you have gone, you were going towards the window but suddenly a dark aura surrounded me and when it disappeared I was surronded by cobwebs and there I found a note ........ 
"If you think of day it will night,
 If you think of night it will be day,
 So just think of death to be safe" 

and when I flipped it, "there was a face............................death"


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