Wednesday 18 January 2017

Sorry, I will not be able to post stories for 2-3 weeks as my Pre - Board has started. I will continue from 7-2-2017.    
Next Episode of Death Timerwil be posted on 8-2-2017 and then it will be continued as normal.   

Monday 9 January 2017


Episode 5
As that grumbly voice ended speaking a pair of hand surrounding my head raised and got back to its place. I could feel the desire of living in the graceful movement of the narrow, wrinkle-veiny hand with bony knuckles below long, pencil-thin fingers having fine-shaped nails. "where I am" I curiously asked to Kazakami and Ruik sitting on a chair of bones in front of me, bones were very thin and there is  a yellowish-brown shade defining that it very old. My eyes naturally start looking around, to get an answer to my question but it was difficult to look back at the person who's hand was on me as rubber stoppers around my jaw had stopped my face. but suddenly a fruitful voice came " what a story ",
"it is not a story" Ruik cried loudly and then looking toward note in his lap he said with a low voice "it is real . . . . . . . . . . real"
" where am I ? and what's happening?" I asked again
"we are in Shi Sekai, Death world. . . . . . . . . . . at your back is Akari, a she shinigami who knew the way to stop Shi Taima, but she said that she will only tell if she got to know what exactly happen so she choose you to read your mind" Kazakami answered
"why me"
"she choose you Ace, as you got fainted when we came here through portal"
Then suddenly a tiny shinigami came in front of me "who is he" I asked immidiately, "I don't know" kazakami answered. "he is Chisai, I found that between my research in Shi Yama(mountain) " Akari said with modulated voice while removing the stoppers.
"what is the way to stop Shi Taima," I asked.


Sunday 1 January 2017


Episode 4
The sun rises and they looked at it with wailing eyes, The shining rays of sunrise showed that they were in the graveyard. The sunrise in the blue sky in that vacant lifeless graveyard is like the drop of life in a bloody death pool. There was a glass cross on one of the R.I.P and from that those that vitality sun rays were diverging all around and creating a small rainbow with high spirits.
"Is there any way to stop that," Ace asked,  Kazakami not responded. Ace flipped his face for the answer, now he could the body of Kazakami. It was gangly, pigeon chested body suspended on its rugged black Furless wings, his long arm and leg were as skinny as its face. His left hand was only Bones structure and there were few curved spikes on his hands from his wrist till elbow. Looking at those fragile leg anybody could say that it can"t be used for walking.
He was in a black clingy dress, furry at the shoulders and waist, His V-neck of the dress was stitched with chest around the neck. There were no pockets and buttons on its dress, but a diagonal chain on the lower left part of the chest and there was a rusty chain around its waist.

"There is a way. . . . But" 

"But what"
"It is too dangerous. . . . . . . . I don't the exact way, but I knew she Shinigami who is the only one who knew this", "where is she" Ruik asked"
"In Shi Sekai. . . . . . . . .  Death world " "so we have to go there Ace asked 
"Yes, we have to, through the dark portal" 
Kazakami waved his hand in a circular motion a portal opens




Episode 3

"If this is the end . . . . . . . then your life will get an end"  Shinigami said
"we are already scared and you are saying we will be dead   . . . . . . . . . . .   WHATS HAPPENING MAN "  Ace said irritatingly, with deep seeded fear in its heart. "I am too scared, god please save us . . . . . .  PLEASE," Ruik cried
"yes, here I came to save you I am a god  . . . . . but of death" Shinigami said, "what exactly happen to us and why . . . . . . . . . . . Shinigami " Ace asked.
"Kazakami, you can call me Kazakami  . . . . you don't know, mistakenly you have activated Shi taima, in the morning you both were playing a game coincidentally you have kept your pieces at ZugAikoTsu, you could say it skull and said Shi Taima Kaishi and this was same as the ritual required to activate Shi Taima"
"what is Shi Taima"
"Shi taima is . . . . . . . . . death timer, after this ritual you will be dead the no of week depend upon No. of participant and period of the day. For you, the No. of the week is 3, you will be dead after 3 weeks and I don't want you to be dead."
"WHY WE PLAYED THAT GAME . . . . . . . . . .  WHY" ruik wailed.

Shinigami lifted his hand and waved over Ace, now there was absolute silence for Ace after a while, he could hear the tic tock of the clock and could see the blood dripping and then a person doing Shi taima ritual, after that he could see and feel the pain of the man writing a note in its last days and then the last scream of that man . . . . . . . . . . . . . and this ended with a glance on the note
          "If you think of day it will night,
         If you think of night it will be day,
          So just think of death to be safe" 

"did you seen that Ruik," Ace asked
"nothing" Ace realized that he only felt that.
And in front of them, as the sun rises,  they looked at that . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4th Episode will be released today soon

Monday 26 December 2016


Episode 2

The introduction of note made Ace mind boggling, Thoughts circumambient  Ace mind, hundreds of question encompassed his mind with no trace of the answer but when Ruik took out the old, rugged note from his pocket and handed over to Ace, he started scrutinizing the note in hope of answer. The note was old, yellowish - brown and pale in color and torn from edges. He could feel as if there was an ocean of pain of one who was fighting for his last breath in those shivery words, The uneven alignment and shaken letters symbolized that it was written in a moving vehicle on the rough surface, but all this analysis was in vain and Ace ended with no result. And suddenly a dark misty aura covered them but it was not as before, it was terrifying this time.
"Not again," Ruik cried.
Ace mind was still stunned, so he overlooked his surroundings where suddenly a pair of spiritless, dark brutal eyes appeared.  Ace mind was puzzled and suddenly he saw in those frightening eyes, he screamed: "WHAT'S HAPPENING" but then the mist disappeared, taking away eyes with him.

This made both look each other but their view was intercepted by a dark face between their faces.
The face was an angular skull covered with a thin layer of skin. The big wide spaced eyes were bulging out and the eyebrows were thin, sparse and curved little upward. The lips were dark as if they were infected. There were few minor cuts on skinny cheeks and the nose was pointy, bent over lips. "The face was same as on the note".

"I AM A SHINIGAMI, THE GOD OF DEATH," the Face said with a throaty voice and this continued with the face going upward till the apex,  gradually their sights elevated with the face.
"Is this ghostly thing  has ended or it will be continued?" Ace asked to face affrightedly
"If this is the end,................................then your life will get an end"

The third episode will be published on new year (1st January 2017)with fourth episode
You can check other episode it other page in side bar

Sunday 25 December 2016

Merry christmas and happy new year
I apologize for the delay, but now here i come with a boom with full of suspenses. I promise you this won't happen again and to fullfill this leap i will be posting two episode at new year eve. Once again merry christmas and happy new year

Monday 7 November 2016



You can read description in death timer page

Episode 1
Knock, Knock "hey Ruik, open the door" a dominating voice shouted "wait a minute "  young ruik answered while opening the door .." I was preparing the game " said ruik "Ohh! That's great! " as both went inside.
 " let me bring some snacks, " said ruik.
 1 hour later..... "it's going too long let's finish it, see the time it's quite late, " said an exasperated Ace. they cleaned the place and went upstairs.
By this time Ace was totally worn out. His weariness made him fell on the bed as he entered the room. looking upward he murmured "I am totally exhausted" all of a sudden a voice came near the window.
Ace Cardwick stood up then suddenly light goes off "what's that" Ruik asked "hey, dumbass! you forgot this is a light week"
 "oh! yeah". 
As Ace start walking his toe hit something, he had no idea of what is going to be next he was blank until he flashed his light toward that. 
"Oh! It's just a toy " but when he closely observed he was petrified, his face was looking bloodless and the only thing that was in his mind was the toy wrapped in the blood which was beheaded.
He could not even come out from that headless toy stupor properly and he got surrounded by a dark aura and suddenly a voice came " you are alone".
He discerns that the window is moving away from him, Ace ran toward the window and as he opened it the same voice laughed and listening to this Ace jumped. 
Ace fell on somebody "is it you ruik" 
" yes! it's me, where you have gone, you were going towards the window but suddenly a dark aura surrounded me and when it disappeared I was surrounded by cobwebs and there I found a note ........ 
"If you think of day it will night,
 If you think of night it will be day,
 So just think of death to be safe" 

and when I flipped it, "there was a face............................death"


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